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Surname Given Name(s) Birthdate Reference
RamierJean Barbara MonaMar. 13, 1913wife of II,E,1,h
RamsayDorvalwife of I,G,1,b
RawlingsIan DaltonMar. 25, 1972VII,J,6,a,i
RawlingsJameshusband of VII,J,6,a
RawlingsKim DorothyApr. 14, 1974VII,J,6,a,ii
ReaneyEllen MargaretSep. 6, 2001VII,F,1,d,vii,(A)
ReaneyGavin George WilliamSep. 20, 2002VII,F,1,d,vii,(B)
ReaneyScott GordonJun. 15, 1972husband of VII,F,1,d,vii
ReichertMargaret ElizabethSep. 5, 1909wife of V,C,2
ReidDavid C.Mar. 10, 1884husband of II,B,8
ReidLucy IsobelJun. 20, 1909II,B,8,a
ReidSusan ClareJun. 15, 1944wife of II,E,1,h,ii
ReyffEmily MaeFeb. 11, 1999III,B,5,a,iii,(A),(2)
ReyffGabriel BenjaminAug. 9, 2005III,B,5,a,iii,(A),(3)
ReyffKaitlyn AprilFeb. 11, 1999III,B,5,a,iii,(A),(1)
ReyffRobert BenjaminSep. 17, 1973husband of III,B,5,a,iii,(A)
RichardsonGrace CurlAug. 6, 1943wife of III,A,4,d,i
RidgewayAlison MarthaJul. 30, 1979III,B,5,a,iii,(C)
RidgewayChad EdwardMar. 16, 1976III,B,5,a,iii,(B)
RidgewayKimberly AprilApr. 27, 1974III,B,5,a,iii,(A)
RidgewayTerry EdwardFeb. 8, 1947husband of III,B,5,a,iii
RidgewayWilliam EdwardJan. 25, 2010III,B,5,a,iii,(B),(1)
RidingsBilling RuthVII,F,2,d
RidingsWilliamhusband of VII,F,2
RimellJohn DavidMay. 24, 1938husband of III,A,4,f,i
RobertsLorne RossApr. 1, 1938husband of IV,G,5,a,i
RobertsShawn LorneNov. 29, 1972IV,G,5,a,i,(C)
RobertsWanda EthelJul. 31, 1963IV,G,5,a,i,(B)
RobertsWendy IoneJul. 31, 1963IV,G,5,a,i,(A)
RobertsonBarbaraDec. 16, 1940wife of VII,F,1,a,i
RobertsonBarbara AnnMar. 8, 1947III,A,4,f,ii
RobertsonBrucehusband of IV,K,1,e,ii
RobertsonDavid RalphDec. 31, 1949III,A,4,f,iii
RobertsonDonald JosephSep. 19, 1969III,B,2,a,i,(A)
RobertsonOscar JosephMay. 25, 1948husband of III,B,2,a,i
RobertsonPatricia RebeccaNov. 28, 1941III,A,4,f,i
RobertsonRalph RayburnApr. 3, 1903husband of III,A,4,f
RobertsonTrisha LynnDec. 27, 1973IV,K,1,e,ii,(A)
RobichaudAlain Jean GuyJun. 13, 1948II,B,6,a,i,(A)
RobichaudDenis GerardFeb. 28, 1950II,B,6,a,i,(B)
RobichaudEmilieMar. 1, 1996II,B,6,a,i,(A),(1),II
RobichaudJean Jacques EmileOct. 1, 1921husband of II,B,6,a,i
RobichaudJeanne SuzanneJul. 25, 1953II,B,6,a,i,(C)
RobichaudJenniferJan. 7, 1995II,B,6,a,i,(A),(1),I
RobichaudMoniqueDec. 5, 1958II,B,6,a,i,(D)
RobichaudPatrickOct. 17, 1977II,B,6,a,i,(A),(2)
RobichaudStephane GillesJan. 12, 1971II,B,6,a,i,(A),(1)
RobinsonCaitlynwife of VII,F,1,d,iv,(A)
RobinsonCecilawife of VI,D,1
RogersCarmenhusband of IV,E,3,c,ii
RogersPatty JeanApr. 8, 1958IV,E,3,c,ii,(B)
RogersSusan JeannineSep. 25, 1961IV,E,3,c,ii,(C)
RogersTerry LynnJul. 7, 1956IV,E,3,c,ii,(A)
RossBarbaraJul. 29, 1952wife of IV,D,7,c,ii
RossCatherine FaithMar. 27, 1956IV,A,12,b,i,(F)
RossCharles EdwardJul. 17, 1907husband of IV,A,12,b
RossDorothy JeanSep. 13, 1936IV,A,12,b,iii
RossElizabeth EllenAug. 15, 1954IV,A,12,b,i,(E)
RossIsabel MaudOct. 28, 1883wife of III,E,2
RossLinda LeaNov. 26, 1950IV,A,12,b,i,(B)
RossMalcolm JohnMar. 31, 1939IV,A,12,b,iv
RossMargaret JoanJul. 22, 1933IV,A,12,b,ii
RossMarkDec. 14, 1964IV,A,12,b,iv,(B)
RossMerna AltaNov. 24, 1916wife of I,G,1,d
RossNatalieApr. 7, 1971IV,A,12,b,iv,(C)
RossPatricia LorraineJul. 6, 1953IV,A,12,b,i,(D)
RossReginald ArthurJan. 23, 1949IV,A,12,b,i,(A)
RossRonald EdwardDec. 22, 1930IV,A,12,b,i
RossSusan MarieMar. 20, 1952IV,A,12,b,i,(C)
RossWayneNov. 0, 1963IV,A,12,b,iv,(A)
RoupasGeoffrey Thomashusband of VII,A,5,a,i
RoupasJessica SueVII,A,5,a,i,(A)
RoussyEmilie MichelleJun. 2, 1985III,E,2,d,iv,(A)
RoussyJoseph Robert NelsonNov. 19, 1953husband of III,E,2,d,iv
RoussyJulie AnneMar. 16, 1993III,E,2,d,iv,(D)
RoussyLaura MarieFeb. 13, 1987III,E,2,d,iv,(B)
RoussyPhilomenewife of
RoussyShannon ElizabethMay. 2, 1990III,E,2,d,iv,(C)
RowlandGeorge CharlesJun. 8, 1916husband of VII,A,3,a
RowlandMary CarolineFeb. 14, 1944VII,A,3,a,i
RowlandNancy AlisonJun. 12, 1947VII,A,3,a,ii
RoyDavid MarkJul. 4, 1965IV,A,3,a,i,(A),(2)
RoyJoseph GeorgeJan. 29, 1940husband of IV,A,3,a,i,(A)
RoyLarry WalesFeb. 7, 1963IV,A,3,a,i,(A),(1)
RubmanPeterFeb. 8, 1910husband of II,B,8,a
RudertCheryl MarionJun. 13, 1954wife of I,A,4,b,i,(A)
RudolfCarolyn JeanJul. 25, 1944wife of II,E,1,a,vii
RussellAmron NicoleMay. 14, 1986III,E,1,a,iii,(A),(2)
RussellMargaret Janet ElaineMar. 31, 1944wife of IV,G,4,c,i
RussellRonald DelbertMay. 26, 1955III,E,1,a,iii,(A)
RussellShawne MeaghanJul. 9, 1983III,E,1,a,iii,(A),(1)
RussellVicki MarieDec. 28, 1958III,E,1,a,iii,(B)
RussellWilfred LloydMay. 5, 1924husband of III,E,1,a,iii
RyanJoannewife of II,B,6,a,ix

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