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Surname Given Name(s) Birthdate Reference
GadueHuberthusband of IV,D,3,a
GadueKenneth RobertIV,D,3,a,i
GaetzShirley AnnJul. 26, 1948wife of II,E,1,a,viii
GagneMary Emilia AnnaJun. 27, 1909wife of VII,J,5
GaileyRaymond HenryJan. 17, 1912IV,A,8,a
GaileyWilliam HenryNov. 24, 1878husband of IV,A,8
GainsElmerhusband of VII,F,2
GalarneauMargueriteOct. 7, 1938wife of VII,J,4,b
GalbreathMargaretwife of
GaldiJosephine Theresawife of I,A,4,d,ii
GaleyElena Helen LenoreJun. 20, 1959V,C,1,a,ii
GaleyNorman CharlesJul. 28, 1930husband of V,C,1,a
GaleySherraleeFeb. 6, 1958V,C,1,a,i
GaleyWesley Ahusband of
GalipeauAlexanderJan. 6, 1981II,B,6,a,i,(D),(1)
GalipeauMichaelhusband of II,B,6,a,i,(D)
GallicClifford JamesSep. 6, 1903husband of V,C,8
GallowayJacquelineDec. 0, 1964I,F,1,e,ii,(A)
GallowayKennethhusband of I,F,1,e,ii
GallowayKennethJan. 0, 1968I,F,1,e,ii,(B)
GambrelFrankhusband of VII,F,2
GarrettAlma GertrudeMar. 28, 1935II,H,3,c,i
GarrettGloria RuthAug. 3, 1950wife of III,B,5,b,v
GarrettGreta SarahOct. 3, 1915wife of II,H,3,c
GenereauxBarbara JeanJul. 2, 1947wife of VII,F,1,a,iv
GeraghtyCheryl AnneMay. 13, 1968III,A,4,e,i,(E)
GeraghtyJustin ThomasDec. 2, 1932husband of III,A,4,e,i
GeraghtyMark DavidSep. 2, 1961III,A,4,e,i,(B)
GeraghtyMichael DouglasSep. 24, 1959III,A,4,e,i,(A)
GeraghtyPaul ChristopherJun. 23, 1966III,A,4,e,i,(D)
GeraghtyRodney ElmoAug. 6, 1962III,A,4,e,i,(C)
GibbJoanJun. 18, 1939wife of IV,A,12,d,i
GilkerAlexander StevensonOct. 7, 1894husband of V,A,5
GilkerAlice Eva HelenMar. 1, 1888wife of I,G,6
GilkerBenjamin FranklinJul. 14, 1935husband of I,G,5,e,i
GilkerCynthia JoanMar. 2, 1971I,G,5,e,i,(C)
GilkerElizabeth ElsieSep. 29, 1929V,A,5,d
GilkerEthel MayMay. 7, 1925V,A,5,c
GilkerGeorge Wave ByersMay. 11, 1903husband of V,C,3
GilkerHall JohnJan. 3, 1926husband of VII,D,1,a
GilkerHeather AnneOct. 27, 1959I,G,5,e,i,(A)
GilkerHeather MadelaineAug. 20, 1972VII,D,1,a,i
GilkerIla MargaretNov. 19, 1923V,A,5,b
GilkerJohn AlexanderDec. 28, 1953V,A,5,a,ii
GilkerJohn BennieMay. 20, 1961I,G,5,e,i,(B)
GilkerMargaret Christine KathleenMar. 1, 1917wife of III,B,2,a
GilkerMargaret JeanettaJul. 8, 1877wife of V,C
GilkerOpal JeanettaMay. 28, 1928V,C,3,a
GilkerRuth EleanorNov. 15, 1948V,A,5,a,i
GilkerSharon ElizabethAug. 16, 1959V,A,5,a,iii
GilkerWarren WilsonMay. 17, 1922V,A,5,a
GilliganGerald WilfredJun. 30, 1941husband of II,D,2,e,i
GillisColin JohnApr. 3, 1954husband of IV,A,12,j,iii
GillisDavid Allanhusband of IV,A,12,c
GillisDavid AllanSep. 1, 1932IV,A,12,c,i
GillisDorothy MargaretApr. 26, 1938IV,A,12,c,iii
GillisHeather AnneOct. 16, 1972IV,A,12,c,i,(B)
GillisRobert AllanApr. 25, 1969IV,A,12,c,i,(A)
GillisWinnifred AnneJul. 29, 1935IV,A,12,c,ii
GixRae Lenorewife of
GlennJacob RyanJul. 31, 1989husband of V,A,1,d,ii,(B)
GloverMarilyn DavenaJul. 16, 1943IV,E,5,d,ii
GloverOsborne BenvieMar. 3, 1908husband of IV,E,5,d
GloverWalter ReidJan. 9, 1938IV,E,5,d,i
GodbehereAnn FrancesApr. 14, 1955VII,J,8,b
GodbehereWalterJun. 8, 1924husband of VII,J,8
GodbehereWayne WalterFeb. 7, 1951VII,J,8,a
GoddaRebeccaApr. 22, 1956wife of III,E,2,e,i,(A)
GodinIdaMar. 27, 1908wife of III,E,2,b
GoodBernicewife of III,A,3,a,viii
GoodJoanna FrancesJun. 21, 1893wife of VII,G,1
GoodeJohnhusband of VI,A
GoodmanShirley Violet PatriciaSep. 21, 1947wife of III,B,5,e,ii
GoodwynAndrew DouglasJul. 20, 1987VII,F,1,d,iv,(B)
GoodwynChristopher WilliamMar. 27, 1984VII,F,1,d,iv,(A)
GoodwynWilliam ArthurAug. 25, 1951husband of VII,F,1,d,iv
GordonWilliam JamesJun. 16, 1889husband of VII,J,2
GosnellCarol AnnJan. 28, 1942IV,A,6,b,ii
GosnellDarren GrahamJan. 12, 1973IV,A,6,b,i,(B)
GosnellDuncan WesleyMay. 4, 1917husband of IV,A,6,b
GosnellGordon GrahamOct. 19, 1938IV,A,6,b,i
GosnellLori GailMar. 28, 1969IV,A,6,b,i,(A)
GosnellMargaret LillianOct. 28, 1952IV,A,6,b,iii
GossDorothy KristinOct. 21, 1956IV,K,1,d,iii
GossJacqueline JessicaNov. 26, 1957IV,K,1,d,iv
GossJohnhusband of IV,K,1,d
GossJohnJan. 4, 1962IV,K,1,d,v
GossMary CatherineMay. 20, 1953IV,K,1,d,ii
GossShiryl LynnSep. 20, 1947IV,K,1,d,i
GosselinCaroline JaneDec. 16, 1969I,G,1,b,ii,(C)
GosselinJennifer AnnDec. 31, 1964I,G,1,b,ii,(A)
GosselinJoseph EdgarApr. 10, 1937husband of I,G,1,b,ii
GosselinSusan LynneJul. 6, 1966I,G,1,b,ii,(B)
GouchieKerry LynJun. 30, 1973II,E,1,a,ii,(B),(1)
GouchieKimberley AnnOct. 14, 1974II,E,1,a,ii,(B),(2)
GouchieVernon StephenJan. 28, 1948husband of II,E,1,a,ii,(B)
GoundryAnna Doris LearmontJan. 26, 1910wife of V,C,6
GoznaCatewife of III,B,5,d,ii,(C)
Grahamhusband of IV,E,2,a,ii
GrahamJackie LouiseSep. 8, 1962IV,E,2,a,ii,(A)
GrahamPeter RussellJan. 1, 1969IV,E,2,a,ii,(B)
GrantLauraine GeorginaSep. 24, 1920wife of I,G,5,e
GrayDaniel ChristopherMay. 2, 1983I,F,1,c,ii,(A),(1)
GrayMatthew AlexanderMar. 1, 1985I,F,1,c,ii,(A),(2)
GrayMichael GeorgeJun. 5, 1951husband of I,F,1,c,ii,(A)
GrayRobert AndrewJan. 12, 1920husband of III,E,1,b,iii
GreerRobert CephusJun. 28, 1933husband of IV,E,3,d,iii
GreggElizabeth AnneJan. 6, 1978VII,A,5,a,ii,(B)
GreggJay HarroldOct. 24, 1948VII,A,5,a,ii
GreggJay HerbertJun. 29, 1981VII,A,5,a,ii,(C)
GreggSean WalterMar. 17, 1996VII,A,5,a,ii,(D)
GreggSue EllenDec. 7, 1943VII,A,5,a,i
GreggVanessa HagueOct. 12, 1974VII,A,5,a,ii,(A)
GreggWalter HaroldApr. 7, 1919husband of VII,A,5,a
GregoryBruce KevinOct. 9, 1948II,J,1,a,i
GregoryRalph ManlyAug. 5, 1919husband of II,J,1,a
GregoryRichard AlanJan. 1, 1951II,J,1,a,ii
GrenonIsabelMay. 26, 1913wife of I,G,4,b
GriffinAndrew StevenMar. 2, 1994V,C,1,e,ii,(B)
GriffinLaura NaomiApr. 22, 1992V,C,1,e,ii,(A)
GriffinRichardhusband of
GriffinSarah EmilyJan. 18, 1997V,C,1,e,ii,(C)
GriffinSteven RichardNov. 30, 1963husband of V,C,1,e,ii
GroatLillian MyrtleFeb. 5, 1923wife of IV,A,6,a
GrovesColin StephanNov. 10, 1974II,F,1,a,i,(A)
GrovesEdmund PaulFeb. 1, 1920husband of II,F,1,a
GrovesKimberley MayMay. 28, 1975II,F,1,a,ii,(B)
GrovesLauri-AnneAug. 8, 1972II,F,1,a,ii,(A)
GrovesLawrence PaulSep. 17, 1946II,F,1,a,ii
GrovesMichael StephenMay. 17, 1945II,F,1,a,i
GrunenwaldRichard LeslieNov. 30, 1954husband of III,B,5,a,iii
GuayCarolNov. 21, 1957wife of II,B,6,a,i,(A)
GuilerShelley AnnAug. 7, 1957wife of III,A,3,d,iv,(D)

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